Instruction set reference
Send this instruction to the server to request notifications of a particular event on a particular element.
- location: The element for which you require event notifications.
- arg[0]: The type of event (see notes below).
- requestor: user value to be passed back to the client each time the requested event arises.
For specifying the type of event, names of events are the same as their HTML/Javascript equivalents, except without the "on" prefix.
For example, to get reports of click events, you would pass "click" in arg[0] (not "onclick"), or for a key pressed down event you would pass "keydown" (not "onkeydown" as in HTML/Javascript).
When requesting keyup or keydown events on a child iframe, the returned events always have a requestor value of zero. This is due to a limitation of event handling in the DOM model. keypress events remain within the iframe and don't propagate out to the parent client.
You can't have multiple active requests for the same event on the same element at the same time. For example, if you request the click event on the same button twice, only the second request will apply when the user clicks that button.