Instruction set reference
This instruction is sent to a client application that has requested a dialog (either using a HIPE_OP_DIALOG or HIPE_OP_DIALOG_INPUT instruction), to allow the client application to receive the user's response to the dialog.
If the client application is running as a top-level frame, Hipe itself handles display of the dialog and sending the user's response back to the client. If the client application is running as a child frame of another application (such as a framing manager), the parent application is expected to handle display of an appropriate dialog box, and to send a HIPE_OP_DIALOG_RETURN instruction back to the client application (by specifying the location of the client frame) in order to communicate the user's response back to the appropriate client.
- location: Always 0 when received by a client frame. When sending to a child frame (from a parent frame that handles display of the dialog), use the location of the client frame that awaits the response.
- requestor: Relays back the value that was used in requesting the dialog.
- arg[0]: The text of the response chosen or entered by the user (or blank if cancelled by the user).
- arg[1]: The index number (numbered from 1) of the response chosen, or 0 if cancelled. If the dialog allowed free-form text entry rather than fixed choices, the index number will be 1 to indicate that the dialog was not cancelled by the user.
Framing managers without dialog support: As there is no mechanism in Hipe that may be used to determine whether a framing manager implements dialogs or not, a framing manager that does not implement dialog functionality must respond to a HIPE_OP_DIALOG or HIPE_OP_DIALOG_INPUT instruction with a HIPE_OP_DIALOG_RETURN instruction and arguments {"","0"} to indicate that the dialog has been cancelled. Otherwise, client applications that request dialogs may be left in an undefined or suspended state.